White House Academy has developed assessment systems that work effectively to support and assess our curriculum and ensure and monitor progress. A relentless focus on formative assessment ensures that assessment feeds back into the learning process. This drives rapid improvements in learning through a cycle of teaching, continual assessment and relevant feedback.
Through rigorous summative assessments, such as end of unit quizzes, regular reading, phonics and mathematics assessments and data gathered by teachers at the end of each lesson, pupil progress data is gathered. Class teachers meet with Senior Leaders each term to plan the provision that will allow all children to meet their potential.
Three main forms of assessment:
All nationally standardised summative assessment results will be reported to parents and carers via end of year reports. Teachers will ensure that other formative and summative assessment results, and steps taken to ensure that progress is strong as a result of these assessments, are clearly communicated with parents and carers at regular intervals over an academic year.