Extra-Curricular, Trips & Activities

White House Academy currently offers a breakfast club and an after school club. 

Breakfast club runs from 7.15am to 8.30am and is £2.50 per day per child, reduced to £1.25 per day for children whose families are in receipt of free school meals. 

After school club runs from 3.15pm to 4.15pm. It is £6.25 per day per child, reduced to £3.10 per day for children whose families are in receipt of free school meals. 

We offer a variety of clubs, for example:

·       Football

·       Karate

·       Art & Craft

These clubs may change on a termly basis. Please contact the White House Academy office on 01323 841 615 or via office@whitehouse-academy.org if you would like more information about any of these clubs. 

As part of our enrichment offer, every year group will go on at least one trip per academic year. Over the last academic year trips have included: Trip to London, Eastbourne theatre, Battle Abbey, Blackberry Farm and local trips including the library.

Finally, as an extension to our enrichment offer, we are pleased to also offer our children a wide range of in-house activities. Last year, we enjoyed a visiting professional athlete, a circus skills workshop, cricket workshop, poetry workshop, visiting authors and we even ran our own talent show. We plan to do all of this and more this academic year!