Times of the School Day

7:45 AM - Breakfast Club Opens

8:30 AM - School Gates Open

8:35 AM - 8:45AM - Start of School Day

8:45 AM - Morning Registration

1:20PM - Afternoon Registration

3:15PM - 3:25 PM - End of School Day



Registers are taken at 8.45am.  Parents and carers of children arriving after 8.45am are required to take their child to the main school entrance and sign them in via the inventory system.  Children arriving after 8.45am will receive a late mark in the school register.

Morning Lessons:

Morning lessons will generally focus on the teaching of English and mathematics.  More information on what these sessions might entail can be found via our Curriculum page.  


Our morning assemblies are diverse and engaging, reflecting a variety of important themes. We regularly host Picture News Assemblies, where we explore current events through visual storytelling. Our Rights Respecting Assemblies emphasise the importance of respecting each other's rights. Additionally, we focus on our school PUPAC values and British values to instil a sense of community and citizenship. Throughout the year, we delve into different themes like inclusion and Black History Month, fostering awareness and understanding.

Every Friday, we celebrate achievements in our special Celebration Assembly, and we extend a warm invitation to parents and carers to join us in applauding the successes of our students. These assemblies serve as vibrant moments of connection, learning, and celebration within our school community.

Break times:

Children in years 1-6 have have a 20 minute break at 11.00am. Children in KS1 are provided with a free snack of fruit or vegetables. Children are welcome to bring in their own snack, and this should be fresh fruit or vegetables. 

The children all play together on the main playground, and when the weather is dry, the field is made available.  


Parents can choose if they want their child to have a hot meal from the school or bring a packed lunch from home. Children in reception, year one, and year two can get a free hot meal every day. Parents won't have to pay for school dinners in these years. But if you prefer, you can still send your child with a packed lunch from home.

The whole school have their lunchtime break together, with KS2 Play Leaders supporting the play of our younger pupils.

Afternoon lessons:

Afternoon lessons are focused on  a wide variety of curricular areas, such as history, geography, art, RE etc.  PE and science activities will also often take place in the afternoon.

End of the Day:

The school day ends at 3.15pm.  Children are led out by their teachers who will wait until they make visual contact with a parent or authorised carer that they know and recognise before they hand over your child.  Whilst this may take slightly longer, you can be assured that you child will never be released to anyone that we do not know is fully authorised to collect them. 

For this reason, please introduce us personally or by phone to any adult that you wish to be able to collect your child.  Please do not ever just send someone different along.  In the interests of safety, we will not let the child go in these circumstances. 

Please also note that no person under the age of eighteen may collect a child from the school unless given permission at the Head Teacher's discretion.

No child below year six may make their own way home. Should your child be in year six, and you want them to make their own way home, please provide us with this request in writing, by email or by phone to the class teacher or office team.  We will not permit any year six child to go home unaccompanied unless we have received this information.